This release is entered into between the undersigned and Laura Gordon. The purpose of Laura Gordon's Life & Wellness Coaching is to provide life and wellness coaching which includes: holistic lifestyle and nutritional instruction. Laura Gordon has been certified as a Life Strategies Coach with an emphasis on Wellness and is a member of the Medical Medium Practitioner Support Service.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that the following was explained to me and/or agrees to the following:Acknowledges that Laura Gordon is not a physician and is not trained in any way to provide medical diagnosis, medical treatment, psychotherapy, or any other type of medical advice. Acknowledges that coaching is another tool for teaching individuals about themselves, but that Laura Gordon does not guarantee that the coaching advice given will produce good results.
Acknowledges that it is the undersigned's responsibility to determine which advice is appropriate for their situation and to use their own discriminating judgment when selecting a course of action. Acknowledges that any suggested referrals to other professionals are offered as a possible resource. It is the undersigned's responsibility to appropriately interview and screen any potential service providers and to decide on the appropriate choice for their situation. Acknowledges that any suggested supplements should be discussed with their primary healthcare provider to determine if it is appropriate for their situation. Acknowledges that Laura Gordon may suggest exercise as part of their lifestyle management. I further understand that sports are a test of one's mental and physical limits and carry with it potential for damage or loss of property, serious injury and death. The undersigned assumes the risks of participating in these types of events/activities and acknowledges that they are fit, and have a regular medical physician they can contact regarding any medical problems that they might develop. The undersigned expressly releases Laura Gordon from any liability for loss, personal injury, disability or death that may occur as a result of my participation in such activities. The undersigned agrees that this is the full agreement between the parties, that neither Laura Gordon nor anyone else has verbally contradicted any of the terms of this release and that the undersigned has entered into this agreement freely and voluntarily.
Copyright 2003. Laura Gordon Life Coach. All rights reserved.